Brand, Logo & Website Refresh


Knowing that their location-based name, old-fashioned logo and dated website could be holding them back, Eastern Colorado Bank approached Pannos for help. After in-depth discovery sessions, we determined that there was equity in the name, but primarily going by ECB would eliminate the geographic implications.

Services used on this project

  • Web Design
  • SEO
  • Analytics
  • Online Visibility
  • Branding
  • Design
1% increase in new users
0% increase in pageviews

Project Goals

The Ask: With an expanding brand footprint that included Kansas, Eastern Colorado Bank wanted to appeal to a broader market and ensure their name didn’t hold them back. At the same time, they wanted a website that would serve customers just as well as their local branch.

The Answer: A new, more modern logo leveraging the moniker ECB rather than Eastern Colorado Bank, and a website with all the bells and whistles the modern bank customer wants and needs.

The Process

Pannos developed a new logo that brought a fresh, more modern image to the bank while paying homage to the topography in the bank’s region of the country. With the logo and name established, it was time to tackle the next challenge—a new website.

The Pannos web team used the learnings from the discovery sessions as the basis for the bank’s new online branch. Leveraging the colors, shapes and textures of the logo gave the site a unique look and ensured the continuity of the brand. Pannos implemented a drop-down navigation to allow users easy access to the information they’re looking for and reduce clicks. The bank unveiled their new name, logo and website to the market and received a very positive response.
The new, mobile-first website allows visitors to easily navigate the site on any device, and was built for ADA compliance.


As a result of the site being built with the latest SEO best practices in mind, the bank has seen a 568% increase in new users, and 81% increase in pageviews in the year since it launched.
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