October 15, 2024

After creating over 200 websites for financial institutions (FIs), we've accumulated a wealth of knowledge and insights. Here are a few key lessons we've learned along the way:

1. Customers Use Your Website Differently Than You Do 

Your customers will interact with your website in ways you might not anticipate. While you may envision a clear, straightforward path, they may take a more convoluted route to find what they need. Regular user testing and feedback are crucial to understanding and meeting their needs effectively. 


2. Your Website Will Isolate Certain Segments of Users If You Don’t Address It 

One of the most difficult challenges in building a website for a bank or credit union is addressing all its customer bases. Your FI might have urban and rural users, young and old users, high and low-income users. Appealing to those segments on the same website requires thought and planning. Modern day websites can and should personalize content to the specific user who visits the site. 


3. Data and Tracking Matters 

Tracking data is essential for understanding how users interact with your site. Metrics like page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates provide valuable insights into what’s working and what needs improvement. Utilizing this data can show you what is working and what is not. 

4. What Works for Other FIs Won’t Always Work for Your FI 

Every financial institution has its own unique identity and customer base. What works for one FI might not work for another. It's important to tailor your website to reflect your institution’s unique value proposition, rather than simply mimicking competitors. 

5. The Best Website Will Fail Without Care 

A successful website requires ongoing attention and maintenance. Without regular updates and care, your site can quickly become outdated, less secure, and less effective. Regular maintenance ensures your website remains functional, secure, and relevant. 


6. You should be able to prove your website is making your FI money 

Your website is more than just your online presence, it's your busiest branch. Treat it like the revenue generating giant it can be. It's essential that your website leads users to conversions and can track a customer through the whole funnel. 


7. Don’t Forget the Big Picture 

While it’s easy to get lost in the details during a website project, always keep the bigger picture in mind. Ensure your website aligns with your overall business objectives and brand strategy. Regularly evaluating your site’s performance against these goals helps keep it on the right track. 


9. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Your Personality 

Letting your institution’s personality shine through your website can make a significant difference. A unique tone, engaging content, and a touch of humanity can help build stronger connections with your audience. Don’t be afraid to show a bit of personality—it can make your site more relatable and memorable. 


Building and maintaining a successful website for a financial institution is a continuous process that requires attention to detail, user feedback, and strategic alignment with business goals. By understanding your users, leveraging data, and staying true to your brand, you can create a website that not only meets but exceeds expectations, driving engagement and growth for your institution.