March 13, 2020

We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and taking the necessary precautions to keep our employees, clients, guests and others safe.

We are also planning ahead should we have to temporarily close our physical office and conduct business remotely to provide services without interruption. 

As of today, we are still conducting business as usual in our physical office location in Manchester, New Hampshire. Though we do not have any employees who have tested positive for the virus, their safety, and yours, is our top priority. As such, we are currently taking some immediate preventative measures to ensure we do our part as a responsible corporate citizen to try to minimize or contain the spread of the virus. 

Some of the immediate precautions include: 

  • While we truly enjoy and value our in-person client meetings, we are suspending unnecessary travel and asking all team members to postpone business travel, conferences and in-person meetings for the next several weeks or until it is deemed safe by recommendations set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). We will work with clients to reschedule all meetings to be conducted virtually using video, web meeting and screen sharing capabilities to ensure the health and safety of our staff and yours.
  • Requesting that employees and guests only enter our physical locations if they are feeling well and have not knowingly been exposed to the virus.  
  • We have put policies in place encouraging staff to stay home when they’re exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 or caring for someone doing so. We have shared CDC guidelines with all staff and will require those exhibiting symptoms to have medical clearance prior to returning to work. 
  • Requiring employees who have conducted personal travel to high-risk countries, as identified by health organizations such as the CDC and WHO, to follow recommended protocol of self-quarantine for at least 14 days prior to returning to the office. 
  • Sanitizing common office spaces such as conference rooms, kitchens and bathrooms and cleaning surfaces such as door handles, on a frequent basis. Encouraging employees to boost hygiene efforts that include washing hands with soap more often. 

Business Continuity Measures: 

If the need to close our physical location arises, we are prepared to conduct all business services remotely. Our internal Emergency Management Team has met, reviewed the Business Continuity Plan in place and enhanced our contingencies to make certain that we can be fully operational regardless of an office evacuation, if necessary. 

Management is working with our teams to make sure that staff has the proper access to technology, business applications and files. In the case that some of our team members become ill, we also have redundancies and contingencies in place to make sure that other team members or managers can step in and provide continued services. 

We are committed to delivering our services and support to clients without interruption. We are confident that we have taken the right steps to ensure the processes, policies and infrastructure are in place to continue with off-site business services and support for an extended duration, if needed. 
We will make sure that we continue to monitor the situation and communicate proactively and transparently with you as we have information. We are here for you as a partner and friend so please reach out to us to let us know what we can do to help should your business or employees be impacted.  

Thank you for your attention to this matter that continues to unfold and change daily. We are prepared, not panicked, and ready to assist our clients in any way necessary. Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me, Amanda, Vickie or Paul directly.  

Best regards,


Jim Pannos