February 5, 2016
Facebook is now assigning scores to both the posts it assumes users want to see and the posts they are likely to engage with through clicks, comments likes and shares. The aggregate score will determine the post’s ranking in their Newsfeeds.
The changes were made as a result of looking at users’ action metrics on the social site, as well as extensive surveys regarding what is important for users to see at the top of their Newsfeeds.
Facebook maintains that referral traffic to Pages should not be overly impacted. However, the announcement did concede that some Pages will see a decrease in reach, while others may see an increase. Facebook’s best advice for Pages? Don’t ask Fans to take a specific action (such as clicking) that will result in a lot of one-time clicks on your content, as this could hurt your algorithmic rating in the long run.
Stay tuned for their next act, when they change the “Like” button into the “Reactions” button complete with emoji sentiments.