December 27, 2018
The infamous saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” is applicable to social media too. Employees and members of the community can help to expand the financial institution's presence and boost its potential as a resource and position it as a leader in the community. Use these Do's and Don’ts to help your employees navigate the grey areas of social media.
Employees are an important tool when developing your financial institution’s digital strategy. The truth of the matter is consumers are more likely to trust products and services that are recommended to them. In today’s world, word of mouth is spread through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Use your employees as brand ambassadors, build your audience, and present your financial institution as a community resource.
Employees Update Their Personal Profile
- Employees should clearly indicate that the views expressed on their personal social platform are theirs and not those of the financial institution.
- Employees share their lives and interact with others through social media. When an employee shares their affiliation to your financial institution on their profile, they align themselves with the brand and broaden the visibility of the brand’s contributions to the community. This is an excellent way for your employees to become brand ambassadors and open the financial institution to new page likes and follows.
Take Pictures!
- Employees should share any appropriate images or status update suggestions about the financial institution’s community interaction to the social media point person. Building a social media following can be difficult. If employees share engaging content, you can improve the potential reach/audience of a post or event.
Ensure Employees Are Educated About Social Media
- If employees are aware of the potential dangers of using social media, they will also be aware of how their actions could impact the reputation of the brand they represent. Host a training before the launch of any new platform and with any new employees to help acclimate them to your social media policy and expectations.
Personal Posts VS. Work-Related Posts.
- The separation of work and play is important to protect your financial institution’s image. It’s one thing to post a picture of you enjoying a few drinks at a bar but another thing to post about having a margarita in the office. Have employees use a work specific hashtag when posting about the financial institution.
What is Acceptable Online Conduct?
- Its important that each employee receives a copy of your social media policy and understands the context of the document. If employees understand expectations, they will be less likely to violate them.
Encourage Employees To Tag The Company’s Page On Their Work-Related Posts.
- Tagging the Financial Institution’s page is an easy way to increase page traffic and generate community interaction with your brand.
Social Media is an extremely powerful tool. When using it for good, it can help grow your business and increase your visibility. However, inappropriate use of social media can pose a variety of risk factors to your financial institution. It is important to have a plan in place on how to handle social media and provide an outlet for any questions that may arise. It's important to note that each of the following items should be addressed in more detail within the financial institution’s social media policy.
Employees should not post content that could be viewed as threatening, intimidating, harassment or bullying.
Employees should not share any confidential or incorrect information in reference to the financial institution or customers on social media.
- This is particularly true for any personal account information that a customer could potentially share including: account number, social security number, pin number, debit card number, etc.
Employees should not advise customers on social media.
- Employees should not act as a voice on behalf of the financial institution. The proper personnel assigned to manage, and review page content should address any questions or comments through your financial institution’s official page.
- The financial institution should provide employees with a way to share any questions or comments they see with the proper personnel or supervisor, so you can review and respond accordingly.